Today I'm posting from Northern Wisconsin at my parents' house after a gigantic brunch for my grandparents' 60th anniversary. The gallery opening was yesterday and was a tremendous success; drank a lot of coffee and sold two small prints. It really makes it look like something exciting is happening when there are 30 people standing around a small gallery...no one needs to know that it was all family. Oooo except I just gave it away there, huh.
The meeting with Arketype went very well - very low key and everyone seemed to enjoy my book. I gave out all of my cards, too, so now they have NO excuse not to call me. :)
The plan for the rest of the week is to spend some time on the dock and hopefully get to tour around up here in my dad's '56 Willys Jeep and shoot some backwoods goodness. The brakes are a bit soft so I'm a little hesitant to take it out on the highway, but bouncing around Forest Service roads is just what it's made for.

(my favorite lake activity)
My aunt Ginny has organized and categorized about 25 years worth of slides from my grandparents and I have cheerfully volunteered to curate the collection. There are some wonderful images in there of my mom and aunts and uncle as kids, not to mention my grandparents in high school and right when they got married. And my grandma said she was going to get together her old black and white negatives for me - I can't wait to get those to a darkroom! I will definitely post some samples when I get them digitized.
My aunt Ginny has organized and categorized about 25 years worth of slides from my grandparents and I have cheerfully volunteered to curate the collection. There are some wonderful images in there of my mom and aunts and uncle as kids, not to mention my grandparents in high school and right when they got married. And my grandma said she was going to get together her old black and white negatives for me - I can't wait to get those to a darkroom! I will definitely post some samples when I get them digitized.