This weekend was the 10th annual Dick's Ditch Banked Slalom race at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort. I've done this race six or seven times since I've lived in Jackson and always have had a pretty good time. This year We have had a ton of snow (427" as of Friday)(and now it's snowing AGAIN!) and the groomers and park & pipe guys just went nuts. My friend Ratty and I got to the bottom and just stared at each other...this course was insane!
We slipped it a couple more times and felt reasonably confident...and then Saturday dawned cloudy and cold. Not a good sign. This course *needed* to be soft or it was going to be messy. We were momentarily hopeful when the sun peeked out but it was long gone by the time we were to take our runs.
Ratty was amazing - she actually had to do TWO runs to qualify (rather than the standard one run) because she caught up to the girl ahead of her on her first shot. She was pretty happy about it though, she had had to hike to a couple of gates the first run and got a way better time on the second run.
And how did I do? Let's see...I sprained a few fingers, tweaked my knee and did something unfathomable to my shoulder and ribs and *still* managed to disqualify myself after the first gate. Oh well, c'est la vie, right? The fun is definitely in the trying - I had a great time and am really glad I did it again this year. Ratty ended up winning our division (30+ amateur women - or as we have been calling it, the granny division) - woo hoo! She'll get some cool stuff from the sponsors and gets to stand atop the podium - good job Ratty!
Some photos from our point and shoot Canon PowerShot courtesy of Nate -
the start, all hopeful and sunny -
Ratty in the gate -
me in the gate -
one last practice run -
wherever did the sun go?
Ratty hopping for the 2nd gate -
it's a bit blurry, but I have to post the pic of my spectacular wipeout -
Here are a few more from our trip this weekend to Idaho Falls. The absolute highlight for me was finding an ancient hospital gurney out behind an antique shop. When combined with the bars over the windows it was just ever so creepy and weird.
This weekend Nate and I took a bit of a spur-of-the-moment overnight trip to Idaho Falls, ID. During the course of our visit we decided that from now on we will do our best to only stay at mom 'n' pop local hotels - no nation-wide chains. I shot a bunch this weekend but to start off here's a series from our hotel, the Pinecrest Inn.
Kim and Scott and I all worked together in Bozeman while I was in photo school and they got married this June. Kim is a photographer as well and Scott is in school to be a nurse - I think he's just about done. It was a super fun wedding and I was attending as a guest rather than the photographer, but I couldn't resist shooting a bit while I was there.
Scott's father performed the ceremony -
I did manage to steal them for a few minutes after the ceremony -
I was looking back over some previous posts and realized that I didn't really get a groove for this whole blog thing until after I had already shot, processed & delivered my weddings from this summer. What fun is a wedding photo blog without wedding photos? Seems a bit silly. So without further ado, some shots of Emily & Andy's wedding here in Jackson -
Em said she felt all 'Sex and the CIty' talking on her cell phone while getting a pedicure -
waiting to head out to the ceremony site -
they couldn't have picked a prettier site - Schwabacker's Landing in Moose, WY -
So this fall I went out to shoot some shots around town and ended up shooting a ton of textures and general decrepitness. I don't know if the textures will be at all useful in Photoshop layering or anything but I think they're pretty cool on their own.
First off though - I love this old house. It's right off of the highway and just gets more and more saggy every year -
I am a wedding and fine art photographer based in Jackson Hole WY. I love to take pictures...of anything. I love weddings especially because there is so much going on and so much raw emotion - I'm on my toes all day, capturing it all. It's one of those jobs where you are so sore the next day but feel light as air while you're shooting. It's amazing, and I hope I get to do it for the rest of my life.
Please send me an email to chat about your wedding and how I can help you with your big day.