It's been quite a while! Let's see - we've had a new baby, a computer meltdown that lasted for about a month, a ceiling collapse...nothing but a bunch of excuses, I know.
BUT! My new website is uploading as we speak and I am going to try my darnedest to post more often now that I'm on a bit of a schedule with Milo.
And as the first post-baby post (too many posts?) - some images of Milo.
ok, a LOT of images of Milo. What can I say, I'm smitten.
first things first - at the hospital (the photos of me were taken by Nate):
5:43 pm, 12/3
he was a bit jaundiced, so he had to spend a few days in the tanning bed to get his bilirubin levels back to normal:
at home:
first bath:
With mom and dad:
Phew! That takes care of December, at least. I haven't forgotten about the belly shots - we did another shoot in November where we got out the lights and went up to an old abandoned schoolhouse near here and got some really cool stuff. Stay tuned - I promise not to go 5 months without posting again!