Sunday, March 9, 2008

horse ranch

This summer Nate and I got the chance to go to a horse ranch here in the valley - my grandfather and a couple uncles and cousins and my dad were out on a fishing trip and were lucky enough to be able to stay at this gorgeous spot up in the hills.

It was just beautiful up there - about an hour or so outside of Jackson and amazingly tranquil and quiet. We went on a horseback ride, had an amazing lunch and spent the rest of the afternoon by the pool with my cousins.

My grandpa is 88 years old here (he'll be 90 this August). He had horses the whole time I was growing up; I used to love going out to the barn with him on the weekends. It was always so amazing to watch him saddle a horse one handed - no easy feat.


Nate snapped this one from the horse behind me -


Nate -


my uncle John and the Judge (aka Grandpa) -


the Judge -


the wranglers let us hop the fence and mingle with the horses - there were about 10-12 colts in the field, all skittish and staying close to their mothers.



this little guy was our favorite -




and what ranch would be complete without a cat to keep track of everything?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.