Sunday, February 17, 2008

pinecrest inn

This weekend Nate and I took a bit of a spur-of-the-moment overnight trip to Idaho Falls, ID. During the course of our visit we decided that from now on we will do our best to only stay at mom 'n' pop local hotels - no nation-wide chains. I shot a bunch this weekend but to start off here's a series from our hotel, the Pinecrest Inn.










Kirsten Alana said...

I love that you took so many pictures of the things that are so commonplace. You made them look like high art!

katy gray said...

Thanks! That's exactly what I was going for - to take all these mundane everyday 'hotel things' and see them in a new way and make them interesting.

Dick Parins said...

So THAT'S what a fisheye lens does to a tiled shower. Very cool. Where's Norm?

katy gray said...

Norm stayed home for the night - he and Jim and Reggie had big fun hiking on Saturday.